Click on the enclosing checkbox to activate these controls This feature is not available in this version of the Client Disable the Server Notification feature of AFP 2.2 Enable the Server Notification feature of AFP 2.2 Prevent the Client from displaying messages from the Server Administrator Allow the Client to display messages from the Server Administrator Prevent the user from mounting volumes at system startup time Allow the user to mount volumes at system startup time Enable login greeting for volumes mounted via Aliases (and PBVolumeMount) Disable login greeting for volumes mounted via Aliases (and PBVolumeMount) Enable login greeting for volumes mounted with the Chooser Disable login greeting for volumes mounted with the Chooser Enable login greeting for volumes mounted at startup (Boot Mounting) Disable login greeting for volumes mounted at startup (Boot Mounting) Blank Prevent the user from saving passwords to Servers for Boot Mounting Allow the user to save passwords to Servers for Boot Mounting